Stay Youthful-Looking with Retinol 1% Cream

If you are one of the many people who are conscious about their skin, chances are you’ve heard about or may even be using retinol already.

This is not surprising considering how retinol has been attached to the world of beauty and skin care for several years.  

A synthetic derivative of Vitamin A, retinol is categorized as a retinoid which, when applied to the skin, gets converted to retinoic acid.

While retinoic acid can be harsh to the skin when applied topically, the same can’t be said about retinol creams or serums because unlike retinoic acid, they don’t naturally convert over time.

Why then is retinol so popular among skincare aficionados?  What are some of the benefits it has to offer?

Fight Signs of Aging

Some people would love to turn back the hands of time or at least remain youthful-looking despite their age.

The good news is retinol can help make it happen because it is one of the most used and well-studied anti-aging ingredients in the market today.

If looking younger and fighting the signs of aging is what you’re after, retinol is definitely something worth considering.

For maximum effect, go for the 70% organic type.

Helps Fight Acne 

Retinol was originally marketed as an anti-acne treatment during the 70s due to its unique ability to unclog pores resulting in a much clearer and healthier-looking skin.

By preventing outbreaks from happening, retinol naturally allows you to have fewer acne scars making the skin look clearer without the blemishes.

In addition, retinoids can also help amplify the effects of your favorite creams and gels allowing you to enjoy their full benefits regardless of the kind of treatment you’re using.

Helps Provide Even Skin Tone

One of the biggest advantages retinol brings is its ability to stimulate skin turnover which is also known for its exfoliating effect.

When this happens, old and dry skin is replaced by new and more even-toned skin that comes with higher levels of elastin and collagen.

The best thing about it is that this new skin is thicker, smoother, stronger, and comes with a lot fewer imperfections.

Helps Prevent Wrinkles

While wrinkles naturally come with age, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t slow it down especially when you have a wrinkle-fighting solution in the form of retinol.

Because of its minimizing and anti-aging effects, retinol can help prevent ugly wrinkles from occurring.  It can even help smooth out existing lines and wrinkles for that smoother, younger-looking skin.

Cost-effective and Readily Available


For some, spending money on retinol is considered more of an extravagance but the truth is, using retinol is a more cost-effective solution than going for the cheaper ones because its benefits are scientifically-proven.

Another factor that makes retinol so popular is its availability because you can get it either through prescription or over-the-counter depending on your need.  If you’re not sure of the dose that’s right or you, it’s best to consult your dermatologist about it.

Final Thoughts

Having a fairer, younger-looking skin shouldn’t cost you a fortune with solutions like retinol 1% creams at your disposal.  With the scientifically-proven health benefits it has to offer, retinol should definitely be a part of your daily skin regimen.